What do you do with your palm branches after Palm Sunday Mass? I remember the first time I was able to make a simple palm branch I was ecstatic. It’s those simple pleasures in life, right?
Now, we’re bringing you some tutorials for palm branches that will let you use the blessed branches year-round. You won’t want to burn these palm branches at church next Ash Wednesday!
Just a reminder: any scraps or trimmed off palm branches cannot be thrown away since they are blessed. Please save them for your church to burn next Ash Wednesday or bury them.
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9 Surprising Ways You Can Transform Your Palm Sunday Branches
#1 A Woven Fish
You can totally do this! Just practice with some paper first if you’re concerned.
#2 A Basket
Functional, beautiful, and holy… yes, please!
#3 A Bag or Purse
As long as the recipient knows this is a blessed bag, wouldn’t this be a cool gift?!
#4 A Donkey
Give your child’s Jesus peg doll a donkey to ride on this Palm Sunday!
#5 A Rose
Wouldn’t this be lovely on your family’s home altar or at the foot of your Mary statue?
#6 A Huge Cross
Rulers might work if you don’t have a saw!
#7 A Lapel Cross
How lovely that you could wear your blessed branches! Just put a pin on the back.
#8 A Traditional Palm Branch Braid
I think it looks harder than it is!
#9 A Crown of Thorns
I love this; it would look lovely behind crucifix on your wall!
If these tutorials are just too much for you or if folding a simple cross makes you as ecstatic as it makes me, here’s s simple tutorial for that!
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Don’t forget to check out your Catholic diocese for events throughout Lent! (Psst! That’s what this website is all about!)
God bless your Lenten Season and Happy Palm Sunday!

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(Palm Branch picture sourced from: By Mostafameraji – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=61933505) Updated 3/31/20