Surely you’ve had a friend or relative who has strayed away from the Church. And you know as well as I do that once they’ve walked away, it’s hard to lead them back. So what are you doing to stop them from walking away in the first place?
Here are some ideas that you can start implementing today within your inner circles to strengthen your Catholic bonds and grow together in Christ.

1. Pray together and for each other
Of course praying for each other seems like the most obvious things to do, but how often do you really pray for your friends? And how often do you pray for the things weighing on their hearts? After you text or call a friend this week, as them how you can pray for them. And when you’re worried and need prayer, reach out! As you friends and family to pray for you and your intentions or ask what’s going on in their lives that you can offer up your suffering for. It will deepen your friendship and lead all that goodness back to Christ!
2. Thank God, not goodness
My daughter said, “Oh, thank goodness!” I’m sure she got that saying from me or my husband, but what exactly is “thanking goodness?” And isn’t that degrading the thanks we should be giving to God? Let’s reflect daily on the words we’re using in our conversations and see how they can bring glory to God and lead others closer to Him.
3. I’ve been thinking about you/ I’ve been praying for you
It’s a common text: “I’ve been thinking about you… how are you?” Now, I don’t believe in coincidences; I believe in the Holy Spirit. I think that those thoughts are put in our minds to pray for that person. So the next time a friend pops into your head or you see someone who looks like your sister in the street, take a moment and say a pray for them. Later, let them know, “I’ve been praying for you… how are you?” What a joy that relationship will be!
4. Catholic activities
What do you do when you hang out with your friends? Instead of checking the movie listings, check out first. This website has a bunch of Catholic-based activities within each diocese in the USA- perfect for hanging out with you friends and making more friends!
5. Catholic group text/ email/ Facebook groups
Create a group text with all of your Catholic friends (or just a few friends) and keep in touch that way. Ask each other to pray for certain intentions, send each other Catholic humorous memes, and send inspirational saint quotes or updates on saint feast days. You could also make this as a group email or a small Facebook group.
6. Catholic vacations
Make your vacations reflect your faith! When you visit Grandma’s house or travel to the beach for the Summer or a holiday, check out the Catholic events going on in that diocese. Make time for extra prayer, a moment to visit a basilica or cathedral, and connect with other Catholics in the area (plus drag your family along with you)!
7. Catholic articles and news
Stay abreast of Catholic news and feast days. When your child or niece or religious education class makes an amazing craft for the Feast of the Assumption, share it on social media and get the picture to your friends and family. Believe it or not, you’ll be reminding your loved ones about this special day int he Church and keeping them connected within the Communion of Saints!
I hope this list helps you with ideas on how to keep your friends and family connected with the Church. Remember that prayer is the first step and God is above all! +JMJ+