Date(s) - 10/17/2019
6:30 pm - 10:00 pm
The Palace at Somerset Park
Join us for the 2019 Champions for Catholic Charities Dinner being held on Thursday, October 17th at the Palace at Somerset Park. Your presence will be a visible sign of solidarity for the less fortunate among us while providing much-needed financial support for the vital work of Catholic Charities.
In fiscal year 2018, Catholic Charities, Diocese of Metuchen, served 50,000 people with compassion, expertise and resources through more than 100 programs. Your generosity provided warm beds for the homeless, food for hungry children, emergency aid for disaster victims, help for families in crisis, and so much more.
With your help, we served people from all walks of life, all races, all religions and all economic levels. You are truly a champion in our eyes and in the eyes of those we serve.
This year’s honorees are Reverend Monsignor Joseph M. Curry and Jeffrey S. Chiesa. Monsignor Curry is Pastor Emeritus at Immaculate Conception Parish Spotswood, Parochial Vicar of Saint Matthias Parish in Somerset and Director of the Office of Ministry to Priests. Mr. Chiesa is a former United States Senator, former New Jersey State Attorney General and presently a member of the law firm Chiesa, Shahinian, Giantomasi, PC. Each has dedicated many years advocating for the poor and vulnerable and are well-deserving of the 2019 Champions Award
The Spirit of St. Francis Awards will also be announced at the dinner.
RSVP by October 9, 2019
Business Attire
For reservations and information call 732-562-2432 or email