Date(s) - 10/11/2019 - 10/13/2019
12:05 pm - 8:00 am
Basilica of Saint Mary of the Assumption
The Rosary Congresses is designed to encourage Catholics to pray for life and peace in our cities, our country and our world, will provide continuous adoration with the rosary prayed every hour for specific intentions for our diocese, special Masses celebrated each evening, a Marian procession and a Eucharistic procession, as well as conferences and extra hours for confessions.
Rosary Congress at the Basilica begins after 12:05 Mass on Friday, 10-11 and ends before 8:00 Mass on Sunday, 10-13.
We have Adoration and Rosary every hour during the 40 hours devotion.
On Wednesday, October 9 at 7:00 pm, Father Mike will be doing a teaching about the Eucharist, Adoration and the Rosary.