Date(s) - 12/07/2018
7:30 am - 9:30 am
St. Charles Borromeo Parish
Funds raised will support the Borromeo Academy’s Sponsorship Program which was established to cover the costs of educating students, in addition to the new endowment fund to assist other area Catholic schools to implement a Classical model education.
Borromeo Academy’s 2ND Annual Prayer Breakfast will be held on Friday, December 7, 2018, 7:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Can you think of a better way to end your busy week than in concentrated prayer for one another, for the success of Borromeo Academy and for the future of Catholic education? All are welcome – parishioners, student families, potential student families, advocates for Catholic education, neighbors, members of the larger community, etc.
The Prayer Breakfast is an annual fundraising event to support Borromeo Academy and promote Catholic Classical education. Last year, all proceeds raised went directly to Borromeo Academy to cover many costs associated with the launch of this new school and its opening year as the first Catholic, Classical education school in the Kansas City-St. Joseph Diocese. This year, 75% of the proceeds will again go to Borromeo Academy, and the remaining 25% will be awarded to St. Regis Academy located here in Kansas City. St. Regis Academy is currently transitioning to the Catholic Classical education model. The proceeds will help St. Regis cover the costs to fully adopt and practice the Classical model.