Date(s) - 10/26/2019
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
St Anthony's R C Church of Hawthorne
The St. Anthony Parish Family and the Associates of the Sisters of St. Joseph from Most Blessed Sacrament Parish in Franklin Lakes proudly present
The Concert for Hope
Featuring the Straight and Narrow Choir
Catholic Charities, Straight and Narrow
and Dawn’s Place – ahomefordawn
Saturday Evening, October 26, 2019
St. Anthony Roman Catholic Church
276 Diamond Bridge Avenue
Hawthorne, NJ
Doors Open at 7:00PM
Concert Begins at 7:30PM
Performances by the Straight and Narrow Choir
Guest Speakers
Stories of Hope
Leaders in the Field of Recovery
Inspirational, empowering, fuel for your soul!
Tickets: $10.00 Each
Pay at the door or in advance
Donations welcome
For more information, to make a donation or to purchase tickets, please contact
Debbie Duffy: 201.314.7508
or visit www,