Date(s) - 05/12/2021
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm


Join us starting April 28th. . .
Deacon Robert Henrey presents a new Spring series via Zoom
How the West came to Encounter the East
In his latest series of illustrated presentations, Robert’s goal is to share his interest in Asian cultures, their histories, religious traditions and languages–an interest stimulated thanks to several years living and working in South East Asia and to ongoing opportunities for professional contacts, travel and study. He describes the process whereby adventurers, traders and scholarly missionaries brought back home a growing awareness of the richness they had encountered. Each session is designed to stimulate discussion. The process of mutual understanding and discovery is far from over!
Join us at 5:00 PM for these engaging events on this Zoom link:
April 28 – Part One:
Early Days: from Ancient World Traders and Medieval Adventures to the Age of Sail
May 12 – Part Two:
India prior to the Arrival of the Portuguese: a rich religious and linguistic inheritance with Hindus, Arabs and Persians at the crossroads
May 26 – Part Three:
The Portuguese Century of Discovery, early Missions and the aftermath of cutthroat competition among European Traders
June 2 – Part Four:
The Rise and Fall of the Mughals and how rival Europeans stepped into the void, and in the process became aware of India’s great cultural richness
The Fall Series will continue with the story of how the Portuguese made early inroads into both Japan and China thanks in large part to the remarkable achievements of Jesuit missionaries – with dramatically different and unforeseen outcomes. The presentations will also address how East and West gradually became aware of their each other’s cultures leading to our increasingly interconnected world.