Date(s) - 03/17/2018
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
St Francis Desales Parish
Our Parish has conducted a yearly Parish Mission, usually over the course of 3 nights. This year, we decided to have a 1-day event and asked Andre Regnier, President and Founder of “Catholic Christian Outreach” to travel from Canada to offer us a Parish Retreat, called “Encounter.”
Encounter will focus on the necessity and power of encountering God to make faith personally relevant.
Encounter is perfect for two groups: practicing Catholics who desire a deeper encounter with God, or those who feel far from God and are unsure they could ever encounter him. Andre will communicate hat God is real and that He wants us to encounter His love, care, freedom, forgiveness and hope.
The talks will cover topics such as:
Is Encountering God Possible?
This talk explores the idea that God is real and desires to be known. He is love and His love is personal, real and can be experienced by each of us. Various stories will draw the parallel between human experiences of love and God’s relational love.
Barriers to Encounter
This talk looks at the problem of sin and the mercy we receive from Jesus. Parishioners will reflect on the question, “What is holding me back from encountering God?” Barriers include sinful behaviours, unforgiveness and fears—especially the fear of giving God full permission in our lives. The talk will emphasize that we need Jesus to break through our barriers with the power of His mercy.
Encounter—It’s a Two-Way Street
This talk will focus on the choice to accept God’s invitation to His love and mercy. It emphasizes the gift of our free will and the necessity to exercise it in choosing to give ourselves to God. There will be an opportunity for parishioners to encounter and choose God in a concrete way.
FREE Lunch and Dinner will be provided. Childcare also provided. Please pre-register.
The day will conclude with Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction. A detailed schedule will be posted soon.