Date(s) - 10/04/2019
8:00 am - 3:00 pm

St Thomas More Parish


Diocese of Spokane Fall Assembly – Rooted in Christ
Walk in him – Rooted in him – Built upon him

So, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, walk in him, rooted in him and built upon him and established in the faith as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving. ~ Colossians 2:6-7

Keynote Presenter(s): Angela Schnieders & Bill Schnieders

Angela is known for her work as a Co-Founder and Senior Partner with Mission Advancement Partners, Director of Mission Advancement with Endow, and her integral role in scaling FOCUS. Angela and her husband Bill have left city life to build a self-sustaining permaculture ranch in Montana on Flathead Lake near Glacier National Park.

After growing up in Southern California, playing college football and tasting startup success, putting in 60 hour weeks at Cisco Systems and other tech giants, Bill Schnieders found himself exhausted, cynical, and unfulfilled. Dissatisfied with the fast paced lifestyle of Silicon Valley, he began to ask the question: How did God create us to live in the beginning? He is passionate about helping humanity to rediscover the peace and fulfillment that come from reintegrating into its own natural habitat: the Garden.

Workshops Presenters
Samantha Kelly ~ Theology of the Body: Gender Identity, Human Sexuality, Rooted in God’s Plan

Morning Session ~God’s design, a plan for our wholeness and happiness
Unpacking the churches teaching on human sexuality, through the lens that was given by John Paull II. His teaching on the Theology of the Body sheds light on God’s perfect and beautiful plan and design of man and woman.

Afternoon Session ~ Responding to the Sexualized Culture
How do you uphold the teachings of the church, with faithfulness and mercy, in a cultural with more sexual identities and orientations than we have ever known?

Samantha Kelley is a former Division 1 soccer player for UConn. After college she worked with student athletes for five years through FOCUS and Varsity Catholic. She currently holds a Masters in Catholic Psychology and is pursuing Theology of the Body teaching Certification. Samantha speaks nationally on topics of Sport, Femininity, Theology of the Body, Prayer, and any other topics that fit within the mission of FIERCE Athlete, Inc.

Dr. John Bergsma ~ Scripture: Connecting to the Roots of our story through Salvation History

Morning Session~ Old Testament
Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Joseph, the Twelve Tribes of Israel, Saul, David, Solomon, Isaiah, the rest of the Prophets and everyone else who foretold the coming of Jesus. Prepare to experience the unbelievable in an unbelievable amount of time.
Afternoon Session ~ New Testament
Discover how the New Testament is a fulfillment of the Old Testament. See how the Incarnation, Passion, and Resurrection will be connected, and watch how the life of Jesus and the out pouring of the Holy Spirit gives birth to the church.

Dr. John Bergsma is Associate Professor of Theology at the Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio. He holds the M.Div. and Th.M. degrees from Calvin Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan, and a Ph.D. in Theology from the University of Notre Dame. He served as a Protestant pastor for 4-years before entering the Catholic Church. He specialized in the Old Testament and the Dead Sea Scrolls. An author, guest on EWTN, and Faculty of the year- he is a popular teacher who inspires his students with a love of Scripture.

Koren Ruiz ~ Stewardship
Morning Session ~ “Lord, what do you want of me?”
The spirituality of stewardship, based on concepts from the USCCB 1992 pastoral letter on stewardship.
Afternoon Session ~ “Cultivating Good Stewards for the Mission or the Church”
How we can respond to our call to be disciples by managing and sharing our gifts according to God’s will.

Koren Ruiz has served over the past seventeen years as Youth minister, Multicultural Educator, School Administrator, Loan Officer, Music Composer, Professional Translator, Choir Director, Liturgical Presenter, and Fundraising Consultant. He is a bilingual/bicultural native Spanish speaker originally from Sinaloa Mexico; but he has resided in the United States for the past 17 years.

Parish Staff: Speak with your Pastor and register online at
School Staff: Register with building administrator

Fall Assembly 2019: Rooted