Date(s) - 02/20/2018
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Please join the St. Anastasia Respect Life Committee in Meeting Room B (come in at office entrance) for a presentation and Q&A on end of life issues. In our youth-focused culture, we have lost sight of the contributions of old people. Loneliness and age-related infirmities leave older people vulnerable to suggestions of assisted suicide. “Research shows that assisted suicide is often requested due to depression and fear—of pain, of becoming a burden, of losing one’s autonomy—more than for pain management. Suicide is not a compassionate response and short circuits God’s plan” (MCC, “Promoting a Respect for Life,” Dec. 2017).

Fr. Peter Ryan, Professor of Theology and College Spiritual Director at Sacred Heart Major Seminary, will discuss topics including:

-Directing intended death (assisted suicide)
-Value of human life
-Robust view of heaven

Refreshments will be provided. All are welcome. Bring a friend!

***Speaker Bio***
Rev. Peter F. Ryan, S.J., S.T.D., is a professor of theology and the college spiritual director at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit. He previously served as Executive Director of the Secretariat of Doctrine and Canonical Affairs at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. A priest of the Maryland Province of the Society of Jesus, he was ordained in 1987 and holds a doctorate in moral theology from the Gregorian University in Rome. Fr. Ryan serves on the executive board of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars and is a past president of the Jesuit Philosophical Society. His work has been published in a variety of journals, including Gregorianum, Theological Studies, Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Quarterly, and National Catholic Bioethical Quarterly, on such topics as the indissolubility of marriage, contraception, embryo adoption, discernment, and the relationship between moral action and ultimate human fulfillment. He is presently working on a book on the theology of heaven and hell and its significance for the new evangelization.

For questions, please contact Kim Houseman at

Fr. Peter Ryan: End of Life Issues