Date(s) - 02/09/2018
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Christ the King Cathedral


Are you hurting or suffering?
• Spiritually
• Mentally
• Emotionally
• Physically

Come and encounter the Love of Christ as we open and proclaim the powerful Word of God and let us pray with you and for you.
As ordained deacons it is our duty and responsibility to serve God and all of his people. This ministry is to help you and your loved ones to encounter Jesus Christ through our love and our prayers for you.

Our hope is that God will touch you in such a way that your faith will transform every part of who you are—a child of God.

Tentative Schedule
• Introduction
• Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
• Reflection from Priest or Deacon
• Prayers followed by Benediction/Conclusion
• Sacrament of Reconciliation available

For More Information
Deacon Max Perea
806-239-9899 (call or text)
4011 54th Street
Lubbock TX 79413

A Ministry of the Deacons of the Diocese of Lubbock and their Wives

Hope & Healing Prayer Service