Date(s) - 02/08/2018
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Atwater Brewery


Are you confused about God’s will in your life, or are you feeling far from Him? Does prayer feel dry to you? Do you feel indifferent about your faith? Perhaps you’re experiencing great joy and peace, or you feel on fire for your faith and close to God. Are you facing an important decision? The discernment of spirits is the art of sifting through spiritual experiences in order to distinguish what is from the Lord and what is not. Sr. Solanus Casey Danda, SOLT will be talking with us about using St. Ignatius’ Rules for Discernment of Spirits to help us to become more aware of the inner movements of the heart, to recognize which are from God, and to discern how to respond to them, which can be especially helpful when making important decisions. We hope to see you all there, and bring a friend.

Ages 18-35

How to Hear God's Voice & Follow It - Theology on Tap