Date(s) - 07/28/2018
9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Ontario Convention Center


Christopher West will be a keynote presenter at the Humane Vitae 50: Faithful to God’s Design conference July 25-28, 2018, at the Ontario Convention Center in Ontario, Calif.

The weekend will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the release of Humanae Vitae, Pope Paul VI’s encyclical “On Human Life”.

Other keynote speakers include:

George Weigel, best-selling author and definitive biographer of St. John Paul II

Patrick Coffin, author, speaker, podcast host and former host of Catholic Answers Live

San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone

Professor Janet Smith, PhD

Thomas Hilgers, MD

For complete details, ticket purchase and hotel booking information, go to:

Christopher will give two presentations on Saturday, July 28:

Total Eclipse of the Body:
How We Lost Sight of the Meaning of Sex, Gender, Marriage, and Family AND How to Regain it

In our post-sexual revolution world, we are experiencing a total eclipse of the meaning of the body. A darkness has been cast over our humanity and we simply can no longer see the fundamental significance of the human body to human identity. What has passed in front of the sun blocking the body’s meaning? And are there any “astronomers” out there who can explain this phenomenon, who can help us understand why this has happened and if, when, and how the darkness will pass? In this two-part presentation, Christopher West will point to three: Our Lady of Fatima, Pope Paul VI, and Pope John Paul II. Part I will demonstrate how Pope Paul VI’s encyclical Humanae Vitae properly recognized the modern embrace of contraception as the cause of the eclipse. Part II will demonstrate how Saint John Paul II’s Theology of the Body provides a solid basis for hope that we won’t remain in this darkness indefinitely – the eclipse of the body will pass when, as Mary promised, her Immaculate Heart triumphs.
Theology of the Body and the New Evangelization:
How John Paul II’s Spousal Theology Empowers Us to Proclaim the Gospel to the Modern World

John Paul II’s Theology of the Body is most often framed as a catechesis on marriage and sexual love. It is that, but, through his spousal theology, this great mystic saint has given us a lens through which to view the entire Christian mystery, and he’s given us a new language with which to share the age-old truth of the gospel with the modern world. In this session Christopher West follows John Paul II’s, Benedict XVI’s, and Pope Francis’s lead in reframing the gospel as a the only adequate response to the deepest longings of the heart, a longing the Church does not hesitate to call “eros”!

Humane Vitae 50: Faithful to God’s Design Conference