Date(s) - 12/08/2018 - 12/09/2018
12:00 am - 11:00 pm
As part of its 60th anniversary celebration, the Archdiocese of Miami will host a Welcome Weekend at all the parishes Dec. 8 and 9. The goal is to encourage parishioners to personally invite people they know to “come and see” the
Catholic Church for themselves. These guests may be family members, friends, neighbors or those the world considers “the least, the last and the lost.” They may be
Catholics, drifted-away Catholics, members of another church or the
rapidly increasing “nones.”
It’s a challenge Archbishop Thomas Wenski wrote about in the Strategic Pastoral Plan that resulted from the recent archdiocesan synod:
“Many told me that the reason why it took them so long to become
Catholic or return to the faith was that no one had asked them. … I
am inviting every Catholic in South Florida to invite one other person
to this or another event at your parish.”
The archbishop is also encouraging parishes to be “the most welcoming
and joyful reflection of who we as the Church are called to be,” according to Stephen Colella, director of the archdiocesan Secretariat of Parish Life.