Date(s) - 06/17/2019 - 06/28/2019
8:30 am - 4:00 pm
Sacred Heart Major Seminary
Welcome to June Catechist Topics 2019 registration! Before registering, please carefully read the following bullet points:
- Online registration will be open April 1st-June 28th (online purchase of individual topics will close a half hour before each topic). Each topic will be $8 online ($9.42 including per-ticket service fee). Method of payment: credit/debit. Refunds can be processed up to one day prior to the first Topic (June 17th). Registration changes will be possible only if the original order is cancelled and the person submits a new order. New service and processing fees apply as above. (Eventbrite per-ticket service fees will not be refunded.)
- Onsite registration will still be available. Topics will increase to $12 each. Checks and cash will be accepted, along with credit/debit, for onsite registration.
- Lunch tickets: The purchase of lunch tickets before the event will no longer be needed due to the new credit/debit cafeteria payment system. Lunch is $7.
- To save on processing fees, please consider purchasing topics in bulk. All 27 topics at $7 a piece ($189.00) or topics 7-E ($140.00).
- Registration is due at the time of the event. Registrants will need to make proper arrangements (e.g., reimbursements, etc.) with their employers/ organizations.
Please refer to the Catechist Topics 2019 flier as a guide, with additional questions about what to register for, please contact: Patty Chase (313-237-5758), Sr. Kathleen Matz (313-237-4667) or Sean Calvin (313-596-7312).