Date(s) - 05/18/2019
4:00 pm - 11:30 pm

St Mary Catholic Church


Knight of the Stars – Over 15 acts 1 Star Studded Knight – A Benefit Show

Join us for an evening of Music, Food and Drink. With over 15 tribute acts to fill your night with songs… This benefit includes Dinner, Show and open bar. All proceeds will go to the renovation and expantion of the Notrre Dame Hall, home of the Notre Dame Council 3021 Knights of Columbus. 

Act include: Charles Nova as Garth Brooks, Donny Rod as Rod Stewart, Lisa Watts as Linda Ronstand, Brian Grob as Buddy Holly, Brandon Striker as Frankie Valli, Rock Harley as Johnny Cash, Dan Spencer as Toby Keath, Jeff Carr as Willie Nelson, Mario Messina as Dean Martin & Frank Sinatra, Kelly Walker as Shinia Twain, Jedd Nickerson as Elvis (50’s & 60’s), Kathleen Bressler as Patsy Cline, Greg Jaqua as Neil Diamond, Jeff Watts as Michael Buble, Tyrone Hamilton as Ray Charles and Sherman Arnold as Elvis (70’s)

Knight of the Stars - Over 15 acts 1 Star Studded Knight - A Benefit Show