Date(s) - 02/24/2018
9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Corpus Christi Catholic Church
Lent is a time to renew our Repentance and Faith.
It is a time to discover who we truly are
A people worthy of pardon and absolution
A people worthy of the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
A people worthy to stand in God’s presence
A people worthy of a relationship with Jesus
A people worthy of the gifts of the Holy Spirit
A people worthy of God’s love
We are worthy of all of this for the simple reason that God is Holy.
The purpose of Lent, is to discover our worth, not to revel in our misery. It is not a time to be miserable, to lose weight, to stop drinking, to break old habits.
It is not a time to stop doing but a time to start doing:
To make a difference in the life of one person a day or a week
To show mercy and be more reconciliatory
To ask forgiveness and to forgive more freely
To live with more gratitude and less arrogance
To live our gift of faith and hope
To live humbly and with respect for others
Join us for a 1 day retreat on
Saturday February 24, 2018
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Corpus Christi Catholic Church Lower Hall
For more information or to register, contact Mark Furlan at: 949.716.3020 or