Date(s) - 03/12/2018
12:00 pm - 7:00 pm

St. Francis Xavier Church


In the waning days of winter, when we are tired and crave quiet, solitude and warmth. Consider the comfort of the Novena of Grace. This year centered on the theme of: Pillars of Joy – Foundations of Grace
Annually, St. Francis Xavier Parish offers nine days March 4th -12th ( Weekday Novena Mass ~ Noon & 7 pm Saturday & Sunday Novena Mass at Noon) of prayer and retreat for those who find themselves weary and longing for God. Grounded in our celebration of the Eucharist, Masses will be held daily for nine consecutive days and feature a reflection by one of our guest presenters (Fr. Michael Moynahan, SJ and Mary Anne Sladich -Lantz.) There will be live music, and prayers of petition and thanksgiving through the intercession of St. Francis Xavier. We also offer individual prayer / blessings at the end of Mass, as well as the sacraments of reconciliation throughout the nine days. Though the Novena of Grace is a Catholic prayer tradition in Jesuit communities, we welcome people of all faiths to attend. It affords all who participate time to reflect and to open one’s self to God’s Spirit and the healing grace that rejuvenates and transforms our lives.

No sign up is necessary: the event is free and open to all.
Join us!

Novena of Grace March 4th-12th