Date(s) - 02/15/2018
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
St. Stephen Roman Catholic Church
This month, Guest Speaker Jeffrey Moore will speak on the Purgatorio; Part II of Dante Alleghieri’s Divine Comedy. Purgatory is the mountain , or the winding Assent up that mountain that straightens souls whom the world has made crooked . Purgatory can be viewed not as a prison but as an infirmary.
Dante reveals the curative nature of Purgatory where as we ascend the mountain we become our true selves and able to be truly free to know and love truth, beauty and most of all God himself. Unfasten your seat-belts and gird your loins for the journey to blessed eternity.
The version to be discussed is the Modern Library Classics edition with a new translation by Anthony Esolen and classic illustrations by Gustave Doré. The edition is available through booksellers and No need to read ahead. Just show up. Snacks provided. Ages: High School and up.
Adoration and Confessions from 6:30-7:00 pm in the church.