Date(s) - 10/26/2019
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Holy Family Parish - Steubenville, OH
The Office of Marriage, Family and Respect Life and the Sacred Heart Center of Hope invite you to attend the 2019 Respect Life Conference Oct. 26, 2019 at Holy Family Church, Steubenville! The conference includes a Respect Life Mass offered by Bishop Jeffrey M. Monforton and a number of presentations. The keynote address will be given by Theresa Bonopartis, Director of Lumina/Hope and Healing After Abortion. Working with the Sisters of Life in New York, Theresa developed a healing ministry for those wounded by abortion, which was endorsed by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Her keynote will address the distortion of truth that took place in our culture that led to abortion, her own story of loss and healing, the key place of the Church’s insights into human life and dignity, and the way to bring about a culture of life. The conference will also include a number of workshops (such as: “Health Care Decisions: How to Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones”; “Catholic Perspectives on Infertility Treatments”; “Understanding the Culture of Death as a Result of Trauma”; and MORE!) Registration is required. Groups of 5 or more from the same parish qualify for a special group rate discount! For more information, or to register online, visit Contact Joseph Schmidt with any questions at (740) 516-9270 or