Date(s) - 03/23/2018
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Mount Calvary Catholic Church, Baltimore
Penance and Pilgrimage: Solidarity in Suffering
“Why do Christians inflict pain on themselves through fasting or other disciplines? Isn’t Christ’s sacrifice sufficient atonement for all sins? Is asceticism really Christian, or is it a mixture of works righteousness and masochism?
All men know that we need self-discipline; without it we cannot accomplish anything worthwhile. But Christians can also unite themselves with the sufferings of Christ for the world and bear the punishment that others have deserved. Pilgrimages are an enacted parable: in the journey Godward we help one another and bear one another’s burdens. The American pilgrimage to Chimayo and the European pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela attract thousands of people every year to live out this truth in their bodies.”
Stations and Benediction at 6pm. A light supper and this talk by Dr. Podles at 7. See you then!