Date(s) - 11/07/2022
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Cross Roads Retreat


Having The Conversation
If you were very sick and not expected to live much longer, what are the three things that are most important to you?
Is it being home? Is it being in No Pain? Or is it as simple as having your favorite music played over and over? Or do you have a favorite bible passage?
Does your family know all this? And do you know the answers about your family? Probably not!
THE CONVERSATION PROJECT wants to help everyone talk about their wishes for care through the end of life, so those wishes can be understood and respected.
Having “the Conversation” is what we all say we want to do, but somehow never get around to it. So how about NOW?
November 7th at 7pm, Parish Hall
St. Francis of Assisi Church, Weston
RSVP by Monday, October 31, 2022 to
Please join us for more information and a lively discussion with experts on end-of-life

Melanie Bernard, staff Chaplain at Norwalk Hospital and trained volunteer with THE CONVERSATION PROJECT will give you an upbeat format for “Having the Conversation” with your family members;
Glenn Major, Attorney-at-Law, will address legal issues, including the difference between a Living Will and a DNR/DNI; and
Deacon Steve Hodson of St. Francis of Assisi Parish will provide the Catholic perspective.

“Having the Conversation” is for all of us! Bring your questions, your concerns, & the adult members of your family, if possible.