Date(s) - 01/27/2024
9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Sacred Heart Major Seminary


Learn the guiding principles of theological reflection in the Catholic tradition and become familiar with the method.

Mr. Michael King will present on the practice of Theological Reflection on January 28, 2022. Please come and join us for this formative session as Mr. King explores the principles of theological reflection in the Catholic tradition so that you can become more familiar with this practice and integrate it into your own spiritual life.

A continental breakfast will be served at 8:30am, and the presentation will begin at 9:00am.

Formation days for undergraduate students in the Basic Diploma of Catholic Theology, Basic Diploma in Music Ministry, Associate of Arts (A.A.M.), Certificate in Lay Ecclesial Ministry, and Bachelor of Arts (A.B.) in Pastoral Theology programs are held on Saturdays throughout the academic year. Students in these programs are required to attend all three sessions at least once during their matriculation in these degree programs.

This event is open to enrolled lay students and spouses.

More about the presenter:

Mr. King has been in ministry for over 20 years. He holds 2 advance degrees, a BS in psychoanalytic psychology and master degree in theology from Sacred Heart Major Seminary. He’s worked in ministry in several areas including Director of Parish Faith Formation and Evangelization and was Northeast Regional Coordinator of Evangelization for the Archdiocese of Detroit. He is a certified Master Catechist, has been a teacher/mentor at Sacred Heart Major Seminary for the past 12 year. He enjoys homemade nachos and good conversation with friends and family. His greatest joy is his family and vocation to his wife, Shawn, of 29 year, and his three adult children.

Undergraduate Formation: Theological Reflection