I can almost taste the sun-kissed sweetness of Summer: cold ice cream dripping down the cone at a parish picnic, an exciting book club meeting to talk about our latest Catholic fiction novel at the coffee house, and a happening carnival at the parish down the street playing (safe) music that my kids can dance to.
It’s a time when there’s more freedom, more sunscreen, and more time for friends and family. How can you best spend that time and where?

Make your vacation Catholic! When you’re planning a vacation, consider making the vacation a pilgrimage to a certain shrine or Catholic landmark. Sometimes, shrines even have accommodations similar to hostels.
Attend Catholic events and activities in your home diocese or while traveling. Now you can find the Catholic festival, concert or retreat happening in your area or the diocese next to yours easily. Sign up for notifications at dioceseevents.com!
Make a Catholic staycation! If you want to stay home for a vacation, make your own personal Catholic retreat in the comforts of your home. Start with daily Mass, confession, and add the rosary and quiet time during the day. Have the kids watch a Catholic movie or listen to a Catholic audiobook from formed.org while you get some down time with the Lord!
Find God in your environment! Wherever you go, God is there. When you go for a hike, say a prayer and listen for God’s voice. Find the little moments throughout the day when God speaks to you and make sure to slow down enough so that you can truly listen.
Pray daily and practice a new devotion. If summer has your prayer life in a spiritual slump, be sure to start the day with a Morning Prayer and offer your day to God. You may also find it helpful to start a new devotion like praying the rosary daily or praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet everyday at 3 o’clock.
Celebrate feast days with daily Mass, crafts and Catholic recipes!Get your creativity on while celebrating our saintly brothers and sisters in Heaven!
Check out specific ideas to help your Catholic kids keep and play in their faith this Summer!
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Post updated 7/4/2019