When my family goes on vacation, we spend several hours researching activities and events along the way and in our destination. We look at the city’s event calendar, blogs, and maps. We also use MassTimes.org to find what parish we will attend that weekend, if we’re not familiar with the parishes in that area.
But, recently, I realized that our vacations (besides going to Mass on Sundays) aren’t Christ-focused, and they should be. I began looking into shrines, family pilgrimages, and Catholic concerts in the area. There are a lot of things happening… but not a lot of publicity on it.
So I created this website. It will help you when you go on vacation or when you stay in your hometown. You can find Catholic events in your diocese (or whatever diocese you’re traveling to) and start to infuse a little more Catholic in your life.
God bless you! +JMJ+