101 Creative Ideas to Give up for Lent

101 Creative Catholic Ideas to give up for Lent

Lent is a wonderful time of the year: a time for reflection and sacrifice, a time to start over and focus on your prayer life, and a time for Friday fish frys! It’s right around the corner but you’re scratching your head… what should you give up this year? Chocolate’s been done before! Here are 101 Creative Ideas to Give up for Lent!

101 Creative Catholic Ideas to give up for Lent

for holiday and Liturgical living advice!

  1. Get up earlier to read scripture and pray
  2. Focus on the positive instead of the negative!
  3. Don’t complain! Bite your tongue and offer it up.
  4. Give up doing your hair before church…Consider veiling!
  5. Fast from social media, the modern day “chocolate” that Catholics give up for Lent
  6. Forgo Condiments. (Think Mayo-less deviled eggs)
  7. Enjoying nap time: when your kids go down for a snooze, keep moving and get stuff done!
  8. Go to weekly confession
  9. Put your phone on vibrate except for certain times of the day
  10. Only drink water
  11. Cut the sweets!
  12. Eliminate screen time one day per week
  13. For one hour per day, turn off all the lights and screens (but maybe not the heater if it’s necessary!)
  14. Go the minimalist route and purge something every day
  15. Kick the habit of swearing to the door!
  16. Stop saying the Lord’s name in vain (Oh my God/ gosh)
  17. Give up alcohol…just consider first if no wine for 40 days would actually make you a better person! 😉
  18. Go out of you way for your neighbors
  19. Do one nice thing for someone else every day
  20. Make a list of people to pray for daily and follow up with them to see how they’re doing
  21. Make it a point to tithe more by saving up in a different area of your life
  22. Bring a meal to a family going through a rough time or an elderly neighbor, etc
  23. Netflix: Watch Formed.org instead!
  24. Give up gaming
  25. Make time for the things that matter like prayer, rest, and quality family time
  26. Give up the microwave and get creative with reheating in pots and pans!
  27. Stop eating out
  28. Become a vegetarian-friendly house for Lent
  29. Only spend money on necessary groceries and toilet paper
  30. Give up Amazon Prime
  31. Spend no money whatsoever during Lent! Stockpile groceries and get creative cooking from nothing as Lent goes on
  32. Give up sitting in your favorite spot on the couch or sleeping with a pillow
  33. Put a small pebble in your shoe daily that will bother you just enough to remind you to pray
  34. Give up warm showers
  35. Wash all laundry by hand
  36. Start washing all dishes by hand
  37. Think before speaking
  38. Start a system of sacrifice by giving up the best parking spot for someone else and saving the last cookie for your kids
  39. Use only cash to make purchases
  40. Only call or use email; no texting!
  41. Give up caffeine… this may or may not be the best Lent ever 😉
  42. Help through a service project or shelter
  43. Pray in front of an abortion clinic once per week
  44. Give up paper plates and paper towels: go green!
  45. Forgo blow drying your hair. Brr!
  46. Give up makeup: “You’re never fully dressed without a smile!” (Annie)
  47. Stop yelling and change your parenting style
  48. Give up mirrors
  49. Avoid hitting the snooze button. Good luck!!
  50. Stop using elevators
  51. Make it a point to listen better and ask questions
  52. Stop in the church for Adoration for an hour every week
  53. Collect loose change in a jar to donate at the end of Lent
  54. Put aside money you would normally spend on something else (i.e. eating out, coffee fix) and give it to a worthy charity
  55. Give to someone you know is in need without them knowing it is from you
  56. Give of your time! Tutor for free for a family in need
  57. Collect groceries for the elderly
  58. Make care packages for the homeless and deliver them. Spend time with them in prayer
  59. Volunteer at the church
  60. Donate a bag of stuff that isn’t “stuff you can’t use,” but “stuff you don’t use” so it’s still good quality for those who need it
  61. Give up coffee!
  62. Give up chocolate
  63. Stop listening to music in the car (or a specific type of music)
  64. No gossiping
  65. Avoid checking your phone when around other people
  66. Only eat raw foods
  67. Stop snacking between meals
  68. Fast from using emojis
  69. Stop ignoring strangers and smile at everyone your meet
  70. Make a list of 40 people in your life and pray for them each day of Lent
  71. Make morning and nightly prayer a habit
  72. Say the rosary daily
  73. Start saying the Divine Mercy Novena at 3 p.m. everyday
  74. Attend daily Mass
  75. Go to Adoration daily
  76. Sacrifice something 10 times per day
  77. Instead of 30 minutes of TV time, do 30 extra minutes of devotion/prayer time
  78. Get up early to read the Daily Readings
  79. Write letters to God daily or journal
  80. Do an examination of conscience nightly
  81. Read a spiritual or devotional book
  82. Start a novena
  83. Ask for forgiveness from someone you have wronged
  84. Light a candle at church and pray for those dying with sin
  85. Spend time with the elderly talking about Jesus and love
  86. Say the Stations of the Cross
  87. Ask a friend/ family member everyday if you can pray with them
  88. After you talk to someone ask how you can pray for them
  89. Greet people by saying “Peace be with you!” and leave them by saying “God bless you!”
  90. Sleep a full 8 hours every night!
  91. Spend time in silence with God for ten minutes everyday
  92. Clean and declutter your home and garage
  93. Do everything on your “Honey Do” list or anything that’s broken around your home
  94. Clean out your email inbox
  95. Read through the Gospel of John
  96. Spend $10 less on groceries and give it to those in need
  97. Give up carbs
  98. Have dinner with your family every night
  99. Do a glitter craft with kids (kidding, not kidding)
  100. Give up slang words
  101. Stop wearing your contacts; just use glasses
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