Find the next great thing for Catholics in the USA: it’s the chance to bring the communion of saints into a stronger community, to strengthen your faith, and to find Jesus in the events and activities you’re participating in.

You’ve already started searching for fun things to do on your annual Summer vacation this year. Maybe you’ll try scuba diving or visit your cousin on a cross country road trip.

And maybe you’ll visit that shrine you’ve never heard of before that will rock your world and deepen your relationship with Christ.

Or attend that Catholic conference that shakes your core and shows you exactly what you’ve been missing in life.

Or meet a tribe of friends at your church who get you and lift you up.

It sure sounds like your Summer is filling up!

And why shouldn’t your vacation have some awesome Catholic events and activities sprinkled in? We are a catholic people so when we’re vacationing, we shouldn’t just discard our faith. We should experience Catholicism universally!

But you’re probably looking at those last few activity ideas and shaking your head, “How am I going to find out about a shrine I’ve never heard or or find that faithful group of friends?”

It’s the Next Big Thing for Catholics. It’s the answer of a call for New Evangelization that is working through our own dioceses. It’s Growing quickly and always adding more events, Catholic landmarks, and activities, Diocese Events is the place to go to find Catholic events throughout the USA.

While it’s still expanding and building, get your name on their email list for your diocese and be sure that you’re kept in the loop. Keep your life Catholic and keep your experiences faithful this Summer!